Delivering highly effective online learning solutions from North East England

Save Time & Money
Reduce time away from your place of work – cutting down on travel costs and accommodation.

High Retention Rate
eLearning courses result in a higher knowledge retention rate, with the advantage of being able to retake the course at any time.

Learners have the benefit of learning where and when they want to, across all devices and at their own pace.
Why choose us
Professional work
Courses are designed exactly to the client specifications – drafts are provided for easy review.
Speedy turnaround
Working closely to client schedules – your new course will be available for viewing before you know it!
Great ideas!
Transforming legacy desktop-only courses into fully responsive modules, opening up a new world of learning.
The courses displayed below have been tailor-made for National Energy Action. By clicking on each image, you can effortlessly access the respective course outlines in a new tab.

Energy Awareness 6281-01 (Level 3 Award)

Fuel Poverty and Health

Introduction to Domestic Energy Efficiency

Vulnerable Situations (bitesize)

Introduction to Domestic Smart Meters

Delivering High-Quality Domestic Energy Advice: A Practical Guide